



It was in obedience to the word of God in Matthew 10:8,“Heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay”, we have been able to contribute to the health of God's people round the world. Our Free Medical Outreach has seen our team of volunteers comprising of qualified doctors, nurses, Medical Laboratory Scientists and other caregivers visit many counties to render free medical services to the Aged Persons, Children, the Physically Challenged, Internally Displaced Persons and the downtrodden.

During these free Medical Outreaches, we have carried out;

* Free B. P Check.

* Free Treatment of Typhoid

* Free Malaria Treatment

* Checking of Sugar Level, Arthritis and Rheumatism.

* Deworming as well as given out free routine drugs for bp, vitamin c, folic acid, paracetamol and others.

We have also visited many hospitals where we prayed with the patients, gifted them with various items such as The Holy Bible, Beverages, Toiletries and other food items as well as paid the bills of most of the patients.


Back to School Program


This program is aimed at assisting the parents/guidance in giving quality education to their wards, especially those at the Nursery, Primary and Secondary School levels. The program has also seen us share various educational materials such as; Exercise Book, Sandals, School Bags, Pen & Pencils, Mathematical Sets, Rulers, Stockince, Hymn Books etc as well as paid extermination fees of some indigent students in Nigeria and other West African states. Apart from the Educational Materials we share to these pupils, our volunteers also take their time to play with them as well as teach them ways of living a Godly life. We strongly believe that it's our collective duties to ensure that our Children gets the best Educational training to enable them face the future with boldness. Again, the Bible instructed us as Christians to train up the child in the way he/she should grow and when they are old, they would never depart from it.

That is exactly what we aim to achieve with the Back to School Program.




This is another Program we introduced to reach out to our brothers and sisters who are serving various jail terms in the prisons. This Program has seen us visit various correctional centers in Nigeria where the inmates were fed both Spiritually (with the word of God) and physically (with food, toiletries and other items).We have also shared hundreds of copies of the Holy Bible and our tracts to these inmates to assist them in their daily spiritual lives. This Program is in line with the Biblical injunction in Psalm 79:11, “Let the groans of the prisoners come before you; according to your great power, preserve those doomed to die”.“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Christ New Jerusalem International Inc., because the Lord has anointed Us to bring good news to the poor; He has sent Us to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound” - Isaiah 61:1.




Our visit to our brothers and sisters at the Medium Security Custodial Centre, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria recorded a huge success. The preparation for this Outreach has been on since the week began as it involved serious planning/organization. Our team of Volunteers were received by Mrs Afulike Chinyere who is in charge of the Welfare Unit of the Centre and other top officers of the Welfare Department. The Bible had admonished us in Hebrews 13:1-3 to -"Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering."We at CFANJ International and as Ambassadors of Christ on earth see the visit to our brothers and sisters in the custody as part of the work of God. We were at the same Correctional Centre last year for a similar Outreach and were able to feed the inmates at the Correctional Centre with physical food as well as the Spiritual food (word of God).Some of our volunteers had worked overnight to prepare the food with which our brothers and sisters were fed.Items such as; Rice (cooked), malt drinks, tissue papers, bathing soap and sachet water were shared among our brothers and sisters while copies of the Holy Bible and our tracks (leaflets) were shared to them to help them in their daily spiritual welfare. The Staff at the Centre were not left behind as they also received various gifts from us. Matthew 25:36, 40 - “I was in prison and you came to visit me ... I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."At CHRIST FOR ALL NEW JERUSALEM (CFANJ) INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION, our aim remains to carter for both the physical and spiritual wellbeing of God's people (no matter where they are).The Gospel of Christ is for all and as such all hands must be on deck to depopulate the kingdom of Satan. Let us continue to look out for each other, spread love and try a little act of kindness wherever you may find yourself. Special thanks to our Officials and volunteers for being part of the successful Outreach.

To God Be All the Glory!




Taking the Gospel of Christ to every part of the Universe has been our top most engagement/assignment. God gave us that divine mandate to "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation” - Mark 16:15.Over the years, we have organized series of outdoor evangelism in various parts of the world. Aged Men, Women Youths and including Children has returned to Christ after receiving the message of Salvation from our Evangelical team during our major Outreaches. The new converts are always prayed for and as well given copies of the Holy Bible free of charge to assist them in their daily spiritual growth. We also follow it up by sending daily scriptural messages to them via sms and we have never relented in this assignment of soul winning.




Apart from our other programs where we have always given out various items, we decided to introduce the Skill Acquisition Program so as to teach others how to fish instead of giving out fishes all the time. Again, the rate of unemployment around the world has been on the increase with no hope of curtailing it. These and more reasons informed our decision to introduce the CFANJ Free Skill Acquisition Program. We are aware of so many damages done to the peace and security of the society due to lack of job opportunities faced by the Youths especially in some African countries we felt that the introduction of the Skill Acquisition Program would help engage the Youths meaningfully to help cushion the negative effects of unemployment. Our first ever Skill Acquisition Program saw many ladies/women learning various fashion skills. They were tutored in the production of

 ★ Fan Gele ★ Auto Gele

★ Turban ★ Fascinator and ★ Others.

On completion of the Program, they were gifted various tools/items needed for them to start up their own business with some cash. Under this same Program, we have been able to pay for the training of some other youths in tailoring, mechanics and others. 1 Thess. 5:11-“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing”. By the Special Grace of God, we shall continue to look out for other ways of training and empowering our youths and the less privileged through this program.




Our Charity works has seen us visit many rural communities in some parts of the World. Majorly we have been to many rural areas in Nigeria, some African countries and other countries of the world.Our Agenda during these outreaches which has seen our volunteers travel either by air, road or by sea has been sharing of food items to the Elderly persons and Children, the less privileged, the Motherless babies, the Internally Displaced Persons, the Blind and Physically Challenged Persons.During the Outreaches we shared various food items including; Rice, Beans, Garri, Spaghetti, Macaroni, Indomie, Food Condiments and cash in most cases.We have also reached out to many widows in Africa, assisted others with house rents and lots more.With God's continuous provision, we hope to continue to do the much we can to the Glory of God.




Our Sister, Sarah Samuel Ukpai has been picked to benefit from CFANJ International Monthly Cash Empowerment of #50000.The Fifty Thousand Naira (#50000) is to support our Sister in whatever business or endeavour she deems fit. It is our own way of extending love to our teeming followers online. We believe that while we reach out to those who are not with us online, we will also extend such to those with us here. We pray that whatever good thing she may decide to do with the money will prosper in Jesus name, Amen. We hope to continue with this program at the end of every month as God continues to grant us the resources to do so. As always, we want to let those who shares our posts on their timelines, groups, likes and comments, invites their friends, prays for the Foundation as well as wishes us well that you all are in our minds and we urge you all to keep keeping up.Sister Sarah is by this notice expected to send in her account details to us via inbox to claim his price.Being friends with the Founders and Officials of the Foundation is never a criteria for being selected. It is strictly based on one’s activeness.

To God Be the Glory!




As always we took the message of God to the patients at the hospital which was aimed at restoring hope to them as well as reminding them of the benefits of giving their lives to Christ. The patients at the hospital received a copy of the Holy Bible each from us as well as other items such as; Milo, Milk, Packets of Cabin Biscuits, Tissue Papers and Soaps. We believe God that our time with the sick patients and our prayers would help get them back to their normal health to the Glory of God. We are also grateful to God for granting our team of volunteer’s safety.Remember, you too can reach out to people in various ways (no matter how small). This is what we preach at CFANJ International. Our reaching out to people is by no means to show off but rather, it is a calculated attempt to get others to show love and reach out to one another. We return all Glory to God Almighty who has made everything to be possible.




We introduced our new 5kg bag for the packaging of CFANJ International Rice that will be shared during our Outreach.To the Glory of God, our volunteers in Nigeria are right about now doing the needful.We resolved that henceforth, the Rice which will be shared during any outreach will come in the neat and customized CFANJ 5kg bag.Thank You Jesus Christ For The Grace And Privilege To Reach Out To Others. Cfanj International Is Grateful


Outreach @ Amangwu Ohafia.


We Thank God For A Successful Outreach @ Amangwu Ohafia.

The people of Amangwu Community in Ohafia LGA of Abia State Nigeria were the beneficiaries of our outreach today.We had recieved a distress call some time last month from various persons on the plight of members of the Amangwu Community in Ohafia.It was said that the people had fled their community to take refuge in some neighboring communities following a bridge of security in their community.While we mobilized to visit the various communities where they had ran to for refuge, we got a report that some of them had returned to their community when normalcy returned and so we decided to allow them to settle while we visit them in their home (community) and today by the Special Grace of God, we were able to carry out the outreach. We took the message according to Romans 8:35 which says; “Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” to the people in a bid to reassure them that despite what had happened in the past, Jesus still loves them. We used the occasion of the outreach to share various food items as; Rice, Indomie, Tomatoes, Groundnut Oil, Maggi, Salt and bathing soaps. Most importantly, the Youths of the community were handed copies of the Holy Bible to help them in their Spiritual lives.We return all the Glory to you God Almighty, “For You have been a defense for the helpless, A defense for the needy in his distress, A refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat; For the breath of the ruthless Is like a rain storm against a wall” - Isaiah 25:4.Our volunteer team deserves a huge commendation. It wasn't an easy ride but they gave the outreach all their best to ensure its success and we pray that God will also reach out to them in His own way, Amen.

To God Alone Be All The Glory.




The team went to the streets of Tbilisi, visited some hospitals, the blinds, lame and imbeciles were they shared the word of God, words of encouragement as well as shared various food items to all the people they came in contact with. It was really a fulfilling moment for our team as those we met were all smiles for what God is using CFANJ International to do globally. Christ's mandate to Christians is to reach out to the people in all corners of the earth and we at Christ for All New Jerusalem International Organisation will continue to do our best in keeping to that task in whichever way we can.


Rivers State Outreach


The Work of God Must Go On. Our Rivers State Outreach was Also a Success.While our team of volunteers in Abia State were carrying out an Outreach in Amangwu Community of Ohafia LGA, Abia State, our team of volunteers in Rivers State were involved in another Outreach in Degena LGA of Rivers State.We visited the Modern Primary Health Center @ Bakana Community in Degema Local Government Area of River State, Nigeria. As always, we used the opportunity to share the word of God with those we met at the Healthcare Center.We donated copies of the Holy Bible to them for their Spiritual growth which is the most important thing. They also recieved our customized 5kg bags of rice alongside sets of provisions each.CFANJ International is overly grateful to God Almighty for His Goodness and Mercies. Getting to the different locations of our outreach yesterday was not an easy task. Those who travelled by land and those who travelled through the water had a very torrid time.God averted accident and boat mishap and ensured that our Outreaches yesterday was a smooth one.Thanks to our volunteers in River State for having the courage and willingness to go on even when it looked impossible or difficult.By the Special Grace of God, we shall continue to do our best to put smiles on the faces of God's people wherever they may be to the Glory of God, Amen.




 Outreach of Georgia was the turn of elderly men and women in the remote communities of the country. The team visited House for the Homeless in Georgia as well as visited elderly men and women in their various homes gifting them with food items as well as sharing the word of God with them. Our team had to hire a Russian Truck to take them up to the hills and mountains where some of those elderly people live when it became obvious that the vehicle they went there with would not climb the hills. Our mission and target has always been to reach out to people irrespective of who they are or where they are.

TO GOD Be the Glory!




On May 1st 2021, our team of Volunteers in Rivers State embarked on a visit/outreach at Love of Christ Sisters Care/Orphanage Centre in Oyigbo, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria. It was a wonderful moment with the kids at the centre as our volunteers presented various food items to them. The visit didn't end at presentation of Gifts, our volunteers went ahead to clean the environment, wash the cloths of the kids as well as spent quality time with them while reassuring them of the Special Love Jesus Christ has for the little children. The Children were thought to be obedient to their caregivers as well as obey the commandments of God. We return all the Glory to God Almighty and thank our volunteers who took part in the outreach. We pray that God will replenish the pockets of our volunteers who voluntarily contributed towards putting smile on the faces of these children.




World Health Day is celebrated every year on April 7 to recognize the widespread contributions of our medical institutions as well as create awareness on the benefits of a healthy living. The theme for World Health Day 2022 is ‘Our Planet, Our Health’. This year’s theme aims to direct global attention toward the well-being of our planet and the humans living in it.Among the biggest health threat that humanity faces during this pandemic, are climate crisis, the burden of a polluted planet, and increased chronic diseases like cancer, asthma, and heart disease add on to the extreme health crisis.Nothing can be more important in your life than maintaining good health. We @ CFANJ International shall continue to do our best in contributing to the healthy living of people, especially the elderly ones and children through our Free Medical Scheme  




The gesture was in a bid to encourage the Young ones to participate fully in the things of the Lord. According to 1Timothy 4:12, “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” It is our prayer that they will continue to be good Ambassadors of Christ in their various schools, families and wherever they may find themselves at any point in time in Jesus name, Amen.




Our volunteer team went to Adagbabiri community in Sagbama Local Government Area of Bayelsa State to reach out to flood victims in the community. Relief items for the flood victims were packaged for distribution to the affected persons/families. They done a tremendous job in supplying the items.




On October 30th, 2020, our team of volunteers in Bamako, the capital city of the West African country of Mali gathered together and fed children from the streets of city. This is coming barely two weeks after we visited the Reception and Family Placement Centre (Motherless Babies Home) under the National Directorate for the Promotion of the Child and the Family in Bamako Mali where we presented lots of food items, cloths and other materials to the children at the centre. We believe that kids both those at the Orphanage homes and those on the streets needs love and affection too just like every other kids out there. Our kids need love and proper attention for us to be sure of a greater and better tomorrow. All hands are on deck to ensure that kids are well taken care of. At CFANJ International, we shall continue to look out for other ways by which we can affect the lives of the little children positively and we enjoin everyone to follow suit.

To God Be All the Glory.




According to Mehmet Murat ildan - “To make an elderly person happy is the noblest act a young person can ever do”. By keeping those words in our hearts, we commenced a door to door visitation to elderly persons in Amaekpu Community of Ohafia LGA, Abia State Nigeria. It was indeed a wonderful moment as nothing compares the joy, fulfilment and blessings attached to giving care to the old persons. In the words of Lailah Gifty Akita, “You ought to love and care for your parents in their Old Age”. CFANJ International will never relent in giving care to the older persons in the remote communities to the Glory of God.


Outreach at Etche Local Government Area of Rivers State Nigeria


Our Outreach at Etche LGA, Rivers State was a great success.We embarked on yet another Outreach at Etche Local Government Area of Rivers State Nigeria. The Outreach was carried out at the Chokocho Town Hall of the area. It was an opportunity for us to reach out to God's people in the area both Spiritually and Physically in keeping to the word of God as recorded in the book of Hebrews 13:16 which says;“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God”.We had acted in response to the call by Pastor Nyime Chuma who had solicited for support for the needy within the community of Chokocho. The people of the community recieved various food items from our team as well as copies of the Holy Bible for both kids and Adults. Thanks to our team of volunteers in Port Harcourt as led by Mrs Ngozi Louis Eneh for their time and hardwork towards making the outreach a success.

To God Be The Glory!


Christmas Outreach in Emmanuel Orphanage


We have Completed our Christmas Outreach in Osun State .We visited Hope Emmanuel Orphanage at No: AC6 Ebenezer Street in Ilesha East Local Government Area of Osun State Nigeria to round up with our Christmas Outreach in the Western Part of Nigeria.It was indeed a nice outing seeing the joy on the faces of both Children and Staff of the Orphanage Home.We donated bags of rice and beans, provisions and toiletries to the home for the welfare/upkeep of the Children at the home. Thanks to our team of volunteers in Osun State for being part of the 3 days outreach in Osun State.

We return all the Glory to God Almighty.


Hospital Visitation at Amarajane Hospital & Maternity


We decided to start off the new month with a Visit to Patients at Amarajane Hospital & Maternity located at Ihie Ndume in Umuahia, Abia State Capital.We were at the hospital to reassure God's people of the love of Christ for them despite the situation they find themselves in. Romans 15:1 - “We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves”.  Our volunteers prayed with the sick persons asking God to grant them speedy recovery and total healing. “James 5:15 - And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven”.We also used the opportunity to give out Sets of Provision with toiletries to each and everyone of them in line with the teaching of Christ in 'Romans 12:13 - Share with the Lord’s people who are in need'.CFANJ International will continue to do her best in reaching out to God's people to the Glory of God


Hospital Visitation in Osun State


Our Hospital Visitation in Osun State was a Success.We visited Patients at Odufunke Memorial Hospital in Ijeda-Ijesa, Life Medical Center in Ilo-Ijesa and Crown Faith Hospital and Maternity Home all in Oriade Local Government of Osun State, Nigeria.We where in those hospitals to pray for our brothers and sisters, Mamas and Papas who are on admission.It was an opportunity for us to reassure them of God's Love for them even in their sick beds.

As always, we shared copies of the Holy Bible to the patients as well as Sets of Provisions and Toiletries.We are using those we visited at the hospital today as a point of contact to reach out to every sick person both at home and in the hospital. May God send His healing hands upon them and may they all recieve their healing instantly in Jesus name, Amen. We are also believing God that the honest prayers of those we visited today will work wonders create more open doors for CFANJ International and her Volunteers, Amen .Many thanks to our team of volunteers in Osun State as led by Madam Bolatito. May God bless them all for making themselves available for today's outreach, Amen.

To God Be The Glory!


Medical Outreach in Bakana


During our Medical Outreach in Bakana, Degeme LGA of Rivers State Nigeria, we didn't stop at given free Medication to the people.Our Outreach at Bakana the Elderly ones receiving food items like Rice, Macaroni, Spaghetti and other food condiments while the Children recieved packs of Noodles.It has always been our tradition to give out food items during our Outreach and we are most grateful to God for His provision which has been enabling us carry out His works in different parts of the world.

To God Be The Glory.