Welcome to the Christ New Jerusalem International Inc

Canada Chapter

Church History

Over the years we have been in the business of propagating the word of God through Evangelism, crusade, Outreach etc.This exercise has been part of our routine activity as Christians who has got that mandate of preaching the Gospel in all nooks and crannies of the world. During our Evangelistic missions in Nigeria, Ghana, UAE, Mali, Turkey, Georgia and other parts of the world, we have been able to give out thousands of Holy Bible free of charge to new converts and others, food items etc. Our fliers which contains the word of God has been produced in different languages and shared to people at various locality to encourage them in reading the word of God in their native dialects. This Outreaches has seen us visit such places as Hospital, Motherless Babies/Orphanage Homes, Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camps, Destitute Homes etc where we have preached the Gospel as well as gave arms to persons at this various places. We have also organized many seminars and lectures for the girl child, the aged, school children including those in the secondary and tertiary levels who have received various forms of financial assistance from us. All these and more we hope to build on with the Christ New Jerusalem International Inc. We hope to consolidate on what we have been able to do in the past especially winning more souls for Christ and thereby depopulating the Kingdom of Satan. God's willing; Christ New Jerusalem International Church will bring Salvation to the world to the Glory of God.